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It’s never too late and you’re never too old.

I always had a love for fashion and I would spend hours sketching designs as a young teen and sifting through magazines for inspiration. I never thought I could pursue it as a viable career.

Growing up, I didn’t know any Egyptian artists. I knew plenty of doctors, engineers, teachers and accountants, though. It was difficult for me to picture a profession that seemed like such a leap into the unknown. And for many years my creative journey was put on hold.

Watching the world and the outfits go by.

I share this story because it captures so much about the way that many immigrants and first generation view a career in the arts and more importantly it’s never too late to do what you love.

This is what I’ve come to realize….

A woman's life doesn't end at 40 or 50.

There are plenty of things you can do with your newly gained freedom after 40, travel, study, change careers, whatever you want to do. It’s a time that we can finally pursue our own dreams. We're here with our knowledge, we know our truth, and we share our wisdom.

It has been a learning process, a personal growth culminating in the past years. And as I look around, the women surrounding me, the ones my age and older, become more interesting and beautiful with every passing year. The increased confidence you experience in your 40’s makes it a prime time to embrace all those weird things you secretly love.

Tap into the skills and experience that you have to do something you've always wanted to do…

A passion project and Ketoora is mine. Doing this for yourself because it's something that you’ve always loved. Even if it takes a lot of time and effort to get your project off the ground, so what! You've got the freedom to see it through. It might not ultimately result in any financial gain, but you’ll feel more fulfilled for having done it.

This is my beautiful journey into Ketoora. And I am thankful for everyone joining me on this voyage.




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